
Products that favor and enhance plant metabolism. Formulated with metabolites specially selected to achieve the objective pursued in the application of each of the products and/or with specific nutrients in highly assimilable forms independently of the photosynthetic activity of the plant and translocatable with minimum energy consumption.

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Biostimulants products

Extracto de algas Ascophyllum nodosum


Promotes vegetative growth and prevents stressful conditions.
Extracto de algas laminariales

Algaliv DUO

Promotes fruit development and facilitates post-stress recovery.


It exerts antimicrobial action, activates natural plant defences and has a high antioxidant capacity during post-harvest.


Promotes root system growth and development.

Botamisol 45%

Accelerates metabolism and invigorates crop growth.
Producto Concentrado de aminoácidos para situaciones de estres vegetal

Botamisol Pro 80

Ensures maximum metabolic capacity of crops.


Promotes the emission of lateral buds. Increases fruit size, number and uniformity.


Promotes fruit development, uniformity and consistency.


Accelerates and increases fruit colouring.


Re-establishes physiological balance after specific stresses, with high antioxidant and osmoregulatory capacity.
Ecormon para el cuaje de frutos


Maximises fruit setting.
Fitomaat bioestimulante para prevenir situaciones de estrés

Fitomaat SL

Helps to overcome water stress situations, maintaining yield and quality.
Fitomaat formulado a base de glicina betaína y prolina.

Fitomaat WG (glycine betaine 80%)

Helps to overcome water stress situations, maintaining yield and quality.
Fosmobac bioestimulante solubilizador de fósforo


Solubilise and mobilise phosphorus.


Promotes cell expansion and fruit fattening.
Hydromaat Protección natural contra el estrés hídrico en las plantas

Hydromaat – Natural protection against water stress

Prevent and/or overcome the effects of water stress.


Promotes sugar concentration.
estimulante de raíces


Enhances root system growth and improves interactions in the rhizosphere, with metabolites from Lysobacter enzymogenes and Corynebacterium flavescens.


Promotes flowering and fruit set.
Protector solar para plantas incoloro contra el golpe de calor. Efecto reparador y cicatrizante. Formato líquido disponible en 0,25, 0,5, 1, 5 y 20 Litros.

Ultra V – sunscreen for plants

Protects against sunburn and solar radiation.
Vital Power

Vital Power

Ensures pollen grain viability and fruit set.

Vitalem Olivo

Promotes growth and enhances the olive tree production.
Vitalem Forte


Promotes plant growth during all phases of the cycle.

Biostimulants for agriculture

Here you will find agricultural biostimulants capable of acting efficiently on the plant’s natural biochemical processes. Biostimulants improve the absorption and assimilation of nutrients, help to overcome abiotic stress or improve some of the agronomic characteristics of crops, ultimately increasing the growth, quality and productivity of crops.

The objective of the use of biostimulants is to achieve better quality crops and to provide solutions to some of the most common crop problems, such as lack of moisture, low light, temperature lags, etc., which can lead to losses in their commercial value.

Role of Biostimulants

The function of biostimulants is to improve nutrient absorption mechanisms and their efficiency, in addition to favouring tolerance to abiotic stress, which are all those environmental factors that alter the physiological processes of plants, affecting their development.

But undoubtedly the most important effect is that the use of biostimulants leads to a reduced use of fertilisers, which contributes to meeting one of the main objectives of the EU “Farm to Fork” strategy: to reduce fertiliser use by at least 20% by 2030.

Biostimulants FAQ's